Competition and Submission Deadlines
All forms should be submitted by JANUARY 10th, 2025.
A late registration fee of $150 will apply to any team(s) submitting forms after January 10th, 2025.
The late registration deadline is February 14th, 2025.
Literature Submission
Written Rationale
All videos, artist statements and written responses should be sent by email as an attachment to the following address: tenacitychallenge@gmail.com. Please use the subject TC Literature along with your team name.
*All submissions must be received electronically.
Art Competition
Artwork will be digitally photographed and sent as an email attachment. Please save the image as a .jpg file. All art submissions must be accompanied by a typed rationale. Please send the rationale via email as an attachment to the following address: tenacitychallenge@gmail.com
Please use the subject TC Art Competition along with your team name.
The deadline to submit entries for the Literature competition AND the Art Competition is:
Monday, March 3, 2025.