Please fill out the Google form below. If you'd prefer to print out a paper version and send it in, you can use the "Printable 2025 Tenacity Registration.pdf" file
This is a "how to" guideline for schools forming their first Tenacity Challenge teams. These are recommendations only, as different schools tend to generate their own unique approaches. With this year's competition scheduled for March 22nd, 2025, we recommend that teams form and begin preparing any time between October 10, 2023 and December 21, 2024. This allows for between three to six months of preparation.
1. Identify a faculty advisor: The faculty advisor serves as a team convener, coordinator, advisor, and if he/she has a subject area expertise, a coach as well. Many schools pay a stipend to the faculty advisor, but as is often the case with clubs and activities, sometimes not until the second year. The advisor should familiarize him/herself with the competition rules, rubrics, etc. so that students don't lose points by missing deadlines or misreading event requirements. For example, for the History Argument, the students' research must include a minimum of two interviews, which they must conduct.
2. Recruit student participants: Teams are composed of six members (there may be less, we suggest not less than four, but not more than six). A school may send more than one team. Schools may determine how they select students. The preference is to have teams made up of students who reflect the range of skills and achievement levels within the school, but some schools select their strongest students. We recommend having mixed grade teams so that:
- There is continuity from year to year, and
- The range of math and science subjects are well covered (physics, chemistry, algebra I, geometry, algebra II)
- Recruiting Tool: Our award-winning seven minute video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch4BKn7l3kI, is
a very effective recruiting tool. The students' powerful testimony and excitement are infectious.
- Our experience: Many schools report that it is often more effective for teachers or administrators to tell
students that they want them to join rather than ask them if they are interested. As a strengths-based
approach to closing achievement gaps, this program is about communicating high expectations and belief in
students' ability to meet them.
3. Division of Labor: It is important to be clear with the students from the beginning that not all team members are expected to prepare for all four events. This would be overwhelming and if students misunderstand this, they may be reluctant to participate. Most teams then create their own division of labor based upon interest and often facilitated by the students themselves. The four "events", each of which is fully described on the website, are:
- The History Argument
- The Literary Analysis Performance
- The Art Competition
- The Math/Science Quiz Bowl
4. Home Base/ Teacher Coaches: The faculty advisor typically provides a home base for team meetings. These are usually weekly, increasing in frequency as the competition nears, but they may also initially be bi-weekly, with students doing some early small group work in between.
Students are encouraged to reach out to teachers (the advisor can facilitate this if necessary) to provide coaching/advice during the months of preparation- after school, during an activities block, etc. An email from the advisor or principal to the faculty can help to facilitate this process. Commonly, the team will assemble at the home base after school or during advisory or activity blocks and then go to the library, to their teacher coaches, etc. to work on their tasks.
History teachers often help guide the initial research for the history argument. English teachers frequently give feedback to students on their literary analysis/rationale and performance. Art, math and science teachers also similarly provide assistance where needed.
5. Send in Registration Form and Pay Close Attention to Deadlines:
- The registration form and $100 fee per team have due dates listed on the website.
- We need T shirt sizes on time so we can provide for all participants.
- There is a deadline listed on the website for sending in a Literature video and artist statement or written response, as well as a photo of the Art submission and Rationale.
Should you have any questions please reach out to Jen Ilchuk via email jennifer_ilchuk@bedfordps.org or telephone at 781-275-1700 x4435.